22 Following

Maven Books

Reviews about historical, literary, classic, and other fiction.  Miscellaneous book things.

Currently reading

Anne of Green Gables
L.M. Montgomery
Complete Short Stories (Virago Modern Classics)
Joanna Kingham, Elizabeth Taylor


I like to read well-written fiction, including historical and literary fiction, and the occasional classic novel. I'm always trying to find good book recommendations though. I try to track all of my reads (and attempted reads), as well as my personal collection and wishlist. I don't always post a review, but I usually rate a book when I complete it (or quit on it).


I really like paperback books, especially trade-sized, but I also like old and plastic-wrapped (library) hardcover books too.  I love going to local library book sales and used bookstores.


I don't keep most books I read, unless I think I'll read them again sometime. I usually swap them on BookMooch or PaperBackSwap, but occasionally I'll sell them online or donate them to a local library.