Reviews about historical, literary, classic, and other fiction. Miscellaneous book things.
I saw The Young Lions mentioned on a list of great WWII books, and it definitely lives up to that label. It's hard to summarize the book in a short review, especially since so much goes on in the book, but it is really quite good. The writing style makes everything quite vivid, and I had a hard time putting the book down, wanting to see what would happen to the several main characters as it went along. It intersperses three different men's experiences during this time, showing the grim reality of war from the soldier's point-of-view, and not just from one side or the other.
A movie version was made 10 years after the book came out, but it isn't quite as grim as the book, and I'm not sure they got the casting right. I've only seen bits of it though, but the author didn't like it, so that says a lot.